Web animation with CSS and jQuery (Part 2)

Last time two pure CSS approaches were used to fade an article when it was hovered. Unfortunately this approach works well in Firefox and Webkit based browsers (Chrome and Safari) but is dead on arrival in even the newest version of Internet Explorer. Despite the fact that its market share is decreasing it is never a good idea to lock out 35%+ of your user base. Let's use jQuery to create a truly cross platform approach.
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Web animation with CSS3 and jQuery (Part 1)

When all you have a hammer everything looks like a nail. What happens when you have an entire bag at your disposal? Let's take a look at a case where a multitude of options exists for a simple task. That task is to animate a page element to bring an interactive experience to an otherwise static layout.

This is a comparison of two approaches to a simple animation problem - how do you draw attention to a section of the page? The first two methods rely on CSS3 techniques. The third leverages the power of an open source Javascript library to create a truly cross browser compatible experience at the expense of a little bit of processing power. Each way has its own benefits and drawbacks. Read on to learn more.

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