The Memory Palace: A Brief Review

Anybody who has seen the BBC series 'Sherlock' will be familiar with the concept of a memory palace. A place that exists both in our heads and in the environment around us it is a reflection of who and where we live our lives. In 'The Memory Palace' Edward Hollis deconstructs the things that define these interior spaces which only exist for a short time before they either change or disappear altogether.

This is a worthy read for anybody who loves architecture, psychology, or just likes to expand their horizons. Read on for more thoughts on why everybody should pick up a copy from the local library.

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The Pleasures of Reading

As designers and programmers it is tempting to think that digital is always a "better" format. Digital formats let us compact what would have taken rows of bookshelves into devices that weigh mere ounces. It allows us to aggregate and process vast amounts of information more easily than at any time in history.
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